Tag: Observability

Solution Spotlight – Resiliency Health Index

Posted April 16, 2024

The implementation and continued usage of Vertical Relevance's Resiliency Health Index solution can help to ensure that a company’s cloud efforts are successful. Having well tested and resilient apps deployed ensures that the customers of a company’s cloud applications are consistently satisfied and have a good user experience, and results in overall higher satisfaction with the cloud solutions. A tool like Resiliency Health Index being applied will help a company meet those goals by allowing teams to visualize how well they are doing with resilience, and helping executives make decisions about where to allocate resources to help with resilience. 

Module Spotlight – Assessment Scoring Engine

Posted April 9, 2024

Vertical Relevance's Assessment Scoring Engine is a pivotal tool that aligns with the strategic objectives of enhancing operational resilience within organizations. By providing a structured and data-driven approach to assess and improve application and organizational health, it enables organizations to take targeted actions that directly contribute to the stability and reliability of services. By utilizing AWS services, the engine offers a scalable and secure solution to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises. 

Solution Spotlight – Container Orchestration Foundation

Posted August 15, 2023

If you're looking to modernize your applications, containers are a powerful tool that you can't afford to ignore. Containers are portable, lightweight, and allow for easy deployment, scaling, and management of applications. They also provide more robust operability and engineering agility. However, as you adopt containerized architectures, you may face challenges in managing the numerous unique services that come with them. That's where container orchestration comes in. In this solution, we explain how specific tools work together to provide a streamlined and efficient way to manage containers at scale, enabling organizations to improve their engineering agility and operational efficiency.

Solution Spotlight – Performance Testing Foundations

Posted June 15, 2022

The Vertical Relevance Automated Performance Testing Framework lowers the barrier to entry in performance tests by providing a starting point upon which a mature solution can be built to meet the needs of your organization.  By following this guidance, you can gain confidence that your production systems are going to meet the current and future demands of your organization and customers
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