Tag: DynamoDB

Module Spotlight – Architecture Review Tool (ART)

Posted July 10, 2024

Vertical Relevance's ART provides a RAG generative AI conversational chatbot that allows teams to self-discover standards and guidelines and have their architectures and migration plans evaluated in an engaging manner at their own pace and at any time. This extensible platform can be expanded and focused on any information store, integrated with your own authentication mechanisms and RBAC authorization controls. When teams have completed their preparations, they can submit to the ARB for review. This significantly reduces the time and cost involved in developing your architecture and migration approaches for migration to AWS.

Solution Spotlight – Resiliency Health Index

Posted April 16, 2024

The implementation and continued usage of Vertical Relevance's Resiliency Health Index solution can help to ensure that a company’s cloud efforts are successful. Having well tested and resilient apps deployed ensures that the customers of a company’s cloud applications are consistently satisfied and have a good user experience, and results in overall higher satisfaction with the cloud solutions. A tool like Resiliency Health Index being applied will help a company meet those goals by allowing teams to visualize how well they are doing with resilience, and helping executives make decisions about where to allocate resources to help with resilience. 

Module Spotlight – Assessment Scoring Engine

Posted April 9, 2024

Vertical Relevance's Assessment Scoring Engine is a pivotal tool that aligns with the strategic objectives of enhancing operational resilience within organizations. By providing a structured and data-driven approach to assess and improve application and organizational health, it enables organizations to take targeted actions that directly contribute to the stability and reliability of services. By utilizing AWS services, the engine offers a scalable and secure solution to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises. 

Solution Spotlight – Monolith To Microservices Foundation

Posted September 5, 2023

Vertical Relevance’s Monolith to Microservices Foundation provides a proven framework on how to break the monolith and deliver improved agility to increase the pace of innovation and drive value to your customers and your business.  By following the approaches laid out in this Foundation, customers will manage risk and lay out a consistent iterative approach to decompose the monolith into cloud native microservices, following a well-defined process.

Solution Spotlight – Experiment Generator

Posted August 29, 2023

The Experiment Generator simplifies the resiliency testing process and accelerates its adoption, organization wide. Implementing the Experiment Generator brings an organization one step closer to its resiliency goals, both in relation to people and processes, in breaking down team barriers and automating as much as we can.

Use Case: Building a Retail Data Lake

Posted February 7, 2022

How one of the world's largest investment companies is migrating data to AWS using a Lake House. By engaging with AWS and Vertical Relevance, the Customer was able to decide which incremental “Waved” approach is best aligned with their needs. The Customer now has a plan for completion of successful migration to the next best Lake House AWS architecture state as well as managing risks while delivering business value at each increment.  
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