Tag: lambda

Module Spotlight – Architecture Review Tool (ART)

Posted July 10, 2024

Vertical Relevance's ART provides a RAG generative AI conversational chatbot that allows teams to self-discover standards and guidelines and have their architectures and migration plans evaluated in an engaging manner at their own pace and at any time. This extensible platform can be expanded and focused on any information store, integrated with your own authentication mechanisms and RBAC authorization controls. When teams have completed their preparations, they can submit to the ARB for review. This significantly reduces the time and cost involved in developing your architecture and migration approaches for migration to AWS.

Solution Spotlight – Automated Regression Testing Framework

Posted June 19, 2024

The Automated Regression Testing Framework significantly streamlines the regression testing process, making it more accessible and swiftly adopted across entire organizations. By integrating the framework, there is a bolstered assurance that all distributed application solutions undergo comprehensive testing coverage in the continuously integrated software development process. Furthermore, it offers the flexibility to automate testing in a way that best suites the needs of the application module, moving away from the constraints of a one-size-fits-all approach. This adaptability not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that diverse solutions receive the meticulous testing they require, paving the way for more reliable and high-quality software deployments.  

Solution Spotlight – Monolith To Microservices Foundation

Posted September 5, 2023

Vertical Relevance’s Monolith to Microservices Foundation provides a proven framework on how to break the monolith and deliver improved agility to increase the pace of innovation and drive value to your customers and your business.  By following the approaches laid out in this Foundation, customers will manage risk and lay out a consistent iterative approach to decompose the monolith into cloud native microservices, following a well-defined process.

Solution Spotlight – Security Dashboard Foundations: Security Hawk

Posted April 19, 2023

As organizations mature in their cloud journey, they are bound to have many workloads and resources across different AWS regions and accounts. This raises a tough challenge for the security teams to gain visibility into where the organization has the highest risks of security incidents. To avoid financial and reputational repercussions, security engineers and executives need a high-level, real-time view of their security posture within the cloud. This solution addresses the crucial question that keeps organizations’ security executives up at night – “is our IT infrastructure secure and are we meeting compliance requirements?”

Solution Spotlight – Gameday Foundations

Posted February 16, 2023

Hosting workloads in the cloud can simplify hardware procurement and maintenance, but it doesn’t protect against failures in applications and infrastructure. Many site reliability practices focus on designing highly available architectures, creating resiliency tests, and automating failover for specific components, but these precautions do not replace the need for people and processes to respond effectively during a system failure. In this solution, we discussed the significance of ensuring operational resiliency through gameday execution.  We demonstrated how to set up gamedays and how they can supplement your efforts to ensure operational resilience.

Module Spotlight – Role Broker

Posted September 15, 2022

In non-production AWS environments today, security and IAM are often deprioritized to increase velocity of development. Vertical Relevance’s Role Broker was created as an alternative to the costly, error-prone strategies that many organizations use to manage their IAM roles in non-production environments.

Using AWS Lambda’s New Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) to Enforce Compliance of Lambda Functions

Posted July 15, 2022

Today AWS Lambda is announcing the general availability of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) for Lambda via new support for tag-related AWS IAM global condition keys. This means the advanced IAM condition keys used in this post, including aws:ResourceTag and aws:TagKeys, can be used with Lambda as of today. Vertical Relevance is proud to have partnered with AWS on this launch, and hopefully, this post will show the exciting possibilities of taking advantage of these new features.

Solution Spotlight – Performance Testing Foundations

Posted June 15, 2022

The Vertical Relevance Automated Performance Testing Framework lowers the barrier to entry in performance tests by providing a starting point upon which a mature solution can be built to meet the needs of your organization.  By following this guidance, you can gain confidence that your production systems are going to meet the current and future demands of your organization and customers

Solution Spotlight – Lake House Foundations

Posted January 19, 2022

By implementing a Lakehouse, an organization can avoid creating a traditional data warehouse. Organizations are enabled to perform cross-account data queries directly against a Lake Formation Data Lake through Redshift Spectrum External Tables and/or Athena. Table and Column-Level access granularity achieved through Lake Formation Permissions. Data Lake Governance enabled through Lake Formation Resource Shares. Multi-regional, parameterized, infrastructure-as-code deployments. Full data flow and processing pipeline with Glue Jobs, orchestrated by a single Step Function.

Solution Spotlight – Control Foundations

Posted October 20, 2021

Within the cloud, there are many layers at which security and compliance vulnerabilities present themselves. From the AWS Account’s permission models through application code, and at every layer in between. Enterprises that have a diverse AWS landscape, often look towards developing AWS Security controls to prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced to their environments. Our Control Foundations Solution enables security teams to define the organization’s controls through a PolicyasCode framework that can be used to continuously add, adjust controls, and deploy the changes to controls to meet compliance needs across the organization. The continuous adjustments and seamless deployments of these controls allows application and infrastructure teams across the organization to spend less time worrying about security controls and more time focusing on delivering high-quality work.
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